30 Sept 2009


I treated self, getting scared to death watching Final destination Part IV movie last week. The entire four parts, target on one ironic concept – “One can never cheat death”. Of course the execution to remind the reality is no Cinderella story. If part I turn your stomach upside down on every flight take off, part II leaves no stone unturned to disturb your peace while driving through motorways. Well, part III and IV does not bother me much as I am not a great fan of either roller coaster or motor races. However, the method in which death hunts people back who escaped these gruesome accidents, try to create phobia in weaker minds for crossing roads, swimming, cooking, DIY and even watching movies in cinema; almost every day to day activity in life is projected dangerous. Contempt of death is taken seriously by nature in these movies. Optimistically speaking, they highlight how careless we could get in routine life.

Everybody knows what their final destination is. Its just we do not know when, how and where. So, let’s move out of this uncomfortable domain to a less creepy subject – “Destiny”. What is destiny and how many of us believe in one? It’s complicated to define destiny which has diverse interpretations. One such interpretation is “the unexpected outcome of effort, put towards a set target”. When I was in school I set target to become a doctor and did work towards the goal. The unexpected outcome – here is one software professional pouring her heart in web logs. Some may say that I am destined to become what I am today. Should we say that a guy who started his career as a surveyor went on to become the first president of United States - a destiny? Or should we also conclude that a young lad who started his career as a newspaper vendor went to become an aeronautical engineer and eventually the eleventh president of India - a destiny? I am not sure how Geroge Washington and Abdul Kalam would respond for that. Chortle, may be?
Another interpretation of destiny is “The outcome of something one does not have any control of”. Fine examples are - birth and death. Do we have an option to choose to who we are to be born? Most of the times we do not have the opportunity to choose on whose arms we are to exhale our last breathe. (Let’s leave suicides alone)
In olden days even marriage and career were considered to be in destiny’s hand. Eventually, people started empowering selves to write their own. Almost every human being is now free to choose their life partners, do the job they wish and live the way they want. One of the key developments is Women Empowerment. Gone by those days where women were considered only to fit into the homemaker frame. 21st century women efficiently cruise their ways from modelling ramps, to corporate chairs, to high tech NASA satellite launches to tennis lawn courts. Who better than Oprah Winfrey can vouch on women empowerment? Said to be hailed from an abusive family today she is one of the world’s wealthiest, successful and influential woman. They may have started with a different goal and may have ended something else in life. Yet, the bottom line here is, they succeed. In modern world every individual reckons they are destined to succeed in life.

Destiny, Luck, Fate all form just a negligible percentage in life. Rest is in our hands. We can make the difference if we put our hearts, brain and hard-work towards what we want.

Copyright © Sivi 30-Sep-2009

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