Very recently I required to find the list of folders occupying maximum bytes in my notebook for housekeeping purposes, and was stumped to realise that its no simple task. So here I come with a code snippet, which scans the given drive and writes into an excel file - the folders, and bytes occupied by files in those folders, in KB units. As a pre-requisite, one need to create a directory named “Foldersize” under C: drive and want to place a button (named button1) in winform. Copying the following piece of code and executing will result in creation of an excel file under "c:\foldersize". Open the created excel file, sort the contents in descending order to spot the top culprit folder(s) occupying maximum space in your hard drive. I can guarantee that the code is not performance friendly, however does the required job with ease for me.
It takes circa 30 minutes to scan C: and 15 minutes to examine D:, in my PC.
The following lines scrutinizes D: drive alone, however one can modify the statement in bold with the drive subject to examination. All the best and happy coding.
Imports System.IO
Imports Microsoft.Office.Core
Public fdirsize As Double = 0
Public tmpfdirsize As Double = 0
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim eapp As New Excel.Application
Dim wb As Excel.Workbook = eapp.Workbooks.Add
Dim ws As Excel.Worksheet = wb.Worksheets.Add
Dim irow As Integer = 2
Dim icol As Integer = 2
Dim fname As String
GetDirectorySize("D:\", wb, ws, irow, icol)
fname = "C:\FolderSize\fsize" & Mid(Now, 1, 2) & Mid(Now, 4, 2) & Mid(Now, 7, 4) & ".xls"
MsgBox("Scan Complete")
End Sub
Public Function GetDirectorySize(ByVal dirpath As String, ByRef wb As Excel.Workbook, ByRef ws As Excel.Worksheet, ByVal irow As Integer, ByVal icol As Integer) As Double
tmpfdirsize = 0
Dim fsizekb As Double
If System.IO.Directory.Exists(dirpath) = False Then
GetDirectorySize = fdirsize
Exit Function
End If
Dim dirinfo As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(dirpath)
Dim oFiles As System.IO.FileInfo() = dirinfo.GetFiles()
If CInt(oFiles.Length) > 0 Then
Dim nFileLen As Integer = oFiles.Length
For i As Integer = 0 To nFileLen - 1
fdirsize += oFiles(i).Length
tmpfdirsize += oFiles(i).Length
End If
fsizekb = Math.Round(tmpfdirsize / 1024, 2)
If fsizekb > 0 Then
ws.Cells(irow, icol) = fsizekb
ws.Cells(irow, icol + 1) = "KB"
ws.Cells(irow, icol + 2) = dirpath
irow += 1
End If
Dim oDirectories As System.IO.DirectoryInfo() = dirinfo.GetDirectories()
If dirinfo.GetDirectories.Length > 0 Then
Dim nDirLen As Integer = dirinfo.GetDirectories.Length
For i As Integer = 0 To nDirLen - 1
fdirsize += GetDirectorySize(oDirectories(i).FullName, wb, ws, irow, icol)
irow += 1
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message & " " & dirpath)
Exit Function
End Try
End Function